The first symptom of
dysbiosis may be loss of
appetite, but sometimes the opposite
can increase appetite. Next on the list: abdominal bloating,
belching, rumbling, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and constipation. May appear mushy stools, mucus in
it and putrid odor. Show symptoms
of hypovitaminosis: dry skin, eating,
inflammation of the mouth, itching, brittle nails, and
allergic rashes.
Characterized by weakness, fatigue, headache, sleep disturbance. Prevention and treatment of dysbiosis is in four areas: increasing immunity, suppression of harmful microorganisms, restoration of normal, the treatment of the disease, which provokes dysbiosis. In some cases, to reduce the level of intoxication using sorbents. In others - anti-diarrhea or constipation. In the treatment of dysbiosis, as well as its prevention plays an important role a healthy diet:
Characterized by weakness, fatigue, headache, sleep disturbance. Prevention and treatment of dysbiosis is in four areas: increasing immunity, suppression of harmful microorganisms, restoration of normal, the treatment of the disease, which provokes dysbiosis. In some cases, to reduce the level of intoxication using sorbents. In others - anti-diarrhea or constipation. In the treatment of dysbiosis, as well as its prevention plays an important role a healthy diet:
- Should exclude products with a variety of chemical additives such as colorants, flavors, flavor enhancers, etc., as well as starchy foods, fatty meats - lamb, pork, offal, canned, whole milk, dessert, coffee, ice cream, alcohol
- That is: dairy products, foods containing vegetable fiber - vegetables (cabbage, beans, squash, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli), fresh fruit, vegetable fat, lean fish.
- If you have diarrhea, exacerbated chronic colitis - vegetables consumed pre otvarivaya.
The type and extent
of violations of the duration of treatment depends on the complex drugs, phased
treatment. Such matters,
naturally engaged physician. But at some point
you need to understand and most. In
particular, reducing microflora preparations and vitamins can be taken without
a doctor's prescription. Help
restore intestinal flora.
- Probiotics - preparations that contain live strains of healthy intestinal microflora.
- Prebiotics - drugs that are like fertilizer and food source for the normal microflora.
- Synbiotics - synthesized probiotics and prebiotics that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.
These drugs are effective not only for the normalization
of the support and balance of the intestinal microflora, but, as a consequence,
regulate bowel function, metabolism, strengthen the immune system, lower
cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancer.
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