Saturday, 13 October 2012

Blocker calories Phase-2

Blocker calories Phase-2 - an innovative product of Russian scientists. However, such developments are periodically placed on the market since the 80's of the last century. That's when the sports world exploded news - white bean extract is capable of blocking alpha-amylase. The latter is responsible for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates in the digestive tract. As a result, the calories of the foods that contain complex carbohydrates are not digested in full. White kidney bean extract is used today in many products for weight loss. Blocker calories - only one of them.

Blocker calories Phase 2: how to apply

Probably everyone remembers the ads Blocker calories in which happy woman eats pasta. Authors means say that their goal was to let people losing weight on diets diversify your diet. First of all, the blockers do not help those who constantly uses fruit, sweets such as jellies, marshmallow and honey, as well as alcoholic beverages. The tool helps to reduce caloric only foods containing complex carbohydrates. These include:
  • pasta from durum wheat
  • potatoes
  • porridge from cereals and semis
  • pancakes
  • pies
  • pizza
  • savory biscuits
  • casserole with the addition of flour or starch
  • sandwiches
  • bread
On average, the pills, calorie foods listed above is reduced by 20-30%. We should not forget the fact that most of the finished products contain fat, and it is they, not the complex carbohydrates, mostly form the energy value of food.

For the period of weight loss is to use 2 tablets calories Blocker Phase 2 with each meal. During the stabilization of weight - only with meals that contain complex carbohydrates. What is important is that the sooner you accept vehicle, the greater the efficiency of "blocking" calories. "Wash down" Bud meals practically meaningless.

Losing weight with the "Phase 2" - a weight loss diet. Planning meals, creating a balanced nutritious diet and varied diet - that's your style diet. Recommended diets Badal developers do not offer. However, we can say that the use of "phase" does not mean that you will be eating burgers and pancakes. Even if you include these foods in your daily diet, you should not treat them as a meal. They are a delicacy, and they should not eat more than once a day, except for the fact that caloric intake should not exceed 10% of the total number of calories consumed per day.

Blocker calories Phase 2 : reviews

Consumer reviews of calories blocker Phase 2 are very ambiguous and contradictory. Perhaps the most negative reviews come from people who think that the tablet is completely free them from the diet. However, if most of the diet are fatty fried foods, the 20% of calories from complex carbohydrates, which are "blocks" BAA does not solve the problem of malnutrition and overeating.

 The second negative point is the fact that the phase has a significant effect on digestion. Usually they say that pills provoke bloating, increased production of intestinal gas. Moreover, the more products that contain complex carbohydrates, you eat, the stronger will be the consequences of these. Some reviews suggest a fairly strong indigestion and significant change of taste.

In professional fitness blockers are used against diet-"crackers" low-carb. Is there any point the average person, far from professional sports, to take such drugs? The answer is simple - only if it is in principle prepared to revise your diet, reduce the proportion of harmful products, and control appetite.

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