Saturday, 13 October 2012

Weight loss for women

Too many people believe that fat burners for women - it is a whim of those who do not want to deal with her figure more healthy and familiar way. However, in reality, these supplements come to the mass market of professional sports, and by their nature are not "pills for the lazy." Weight loss was originally used as a means of helper for those who combine intense training and a strict diet. Should I take fat burners?

Weight loss for women: Types

Perhaps, for our convenience fat burners should be divided into:

1. Produced by manufacturers of sports nutrition
2. "Pharmacy" Supplements
3. Drugs with lipolytic effect.

Modern "sport" drugs solve three problems:

1. Acceleration basic metabolism, which leads to greater energy expenditure at rest 
2. Giving extra energy for intense workouts 
3. Change in the mechanism of spending fat stores during exercise. Weight loss easier extraction of glycerol from fat cells and accelerate the burning of fat during exercise.

Sporting fat burners have a thermogenic effect. Through features such as red pepper extract, caffeine, guarana and forskolin they raise body temperature, thus speeding up the metabolism. Most sports fat burners contain synephrine, chromium picolinate and certain dietary fibers. These substances help to suppress your appetite somewhat. These capsules are sold in sports shops. Most of them can not be taken for diabetics, high blood pressure, pregnant women and people with any food allergies.

Pharmacy Supplements or copy certain sports burners in composition ("fitness" drinks with guarana, complex products with l-carnitine and chromium picolinate), or designed to burn fat directly into the digestive tract, or, more simply, to block the absorption of lipids or carbohydrates food, thereby reducing its calorie content. The latter group includes drugs chitosan orlistat Supplements blockers alpha-amylase, bromelain preparations.

Pharmaceuticals used in the process of fat burning at your own risk. Most of these products are either prohibited in our country (ECA), or have a lot of side effects.

Thus, the "medicinal" fat burners - is:

1. A mixture of ephedrine, aspirin and caffeine or ECA. Speeds up the metabolism, raises the pressure, suppresses appetite. Ephedrine is a narcotic substance. Mixture can induce psychosis, tremor of limbs, tachycardia. There are studies linking reception ECA with sudden death,

2. Sibutramine (Meridia, lindaksa) - a psychoactive drug that suppresses the appetite center in the brain. Banned in many countries in Europe and the U.S. due to the fact that the irreparable harm to health (heart, liver), 3. Thyroxine - synthetic thyroid hormone, its use may decrease the natural function of the body.

Weight loss for women: is it worth?

Thus, the majority of fat burners have a significant effect on the complex human body. And, unfortunately, the use of these substances can actually cause damage to the heart, liver, kidney, stomach, and failure in metabolism. In medicine there is a basic principle: to use the medicine is when the good that it exceeds the harm. Find out whether you like fat burner that can only empirically. However, no "experiments" should not be held by those who have even the slightest variations in health status.

Never use an article about a fat burner, and even view your trainer as a determining factor. Unfortunately, there is a fitness professionals "deformation" of consciousness - most of us are focused on results at almost any cost. Such thinking is typical for athletes, but your health should not be a victim of it. The only adequate guide in matters of fat loss - your doctor.

Before purchasing a fat burner, you should know:

1. Neither pill does not relieve you of the need to control the power to monitor the amount of servings, quality food, in other words, stick to the basic diet for weight loss,
2. Sporting fat burners really can improve your endurance, but they sometimes cause headaches, limb tremors, nervousness and insomnia
3. Drugs that with absolute certainty reduce body fat by 3-6% or more are not currently exist.

In any case, take a fat burner harmless Vitaminka not worth it, as well as to make impulsive decisions about buying it based on the fact that today you do not like the reflection in the mirror.

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