Protein diet is recognized as one of the most
effective for weight loss. If you can stick to their healthy options, weight loss is not only
comfortable, but also correct. After eating protein-rich foods can satisfy your
hunger and ensure recovery of muscle tissue after exercise. So, this plan - the
most suitable for improving program "Sport plus proper nutrition." However,
under this name, there are a few ill-diet-scheduling, compliance with which can
cause unpleasant consequences. Let's look at more types of protein diets.
Protein diet: Why Not Completely
Eliminate Carbohydrates
to lose weight with proteins often use this
recipe - you can eat only lean chicken, fish, veal and drink unlimited drinks
without sugar, but all the rest of the products should be deleted. This plan is
neither healthy nor balanced. Usually, the authors of these schemes require to
hold a diet for 10-14 days for allegedly "changes in metabolism and
Example: The diet of astronauts
-In fact, a complete rejection of carbohydrates can cause malfunction of the body. Lack of carbohydrates and plenty of junk food causes the so-called ketosis - poisoning ketone bodies, products of protein into amino acids.
-In addition, the "diet" promotes eating disorders. People simply get used to eat large portions of food, regardless of hunger, as an excess of the protein it is almost there. As a result, former supporters of ill-protein diets lose weight, often gaining pounds back.
Some authors diets believe that the complete exclusion of carbohydrates - a necessary condition for weight loss, because in the process of ketosis, the body draws its energy mainly from fat. However, current research indicates that a diet rich in protein, does not have to be completely carb to help burn fat.
That, as far as you lose weight, is more
dependent on the daily caloric intake and what exactly do you eat carbs during
the day, and how much pure protein per 1 kg consume.
How to make the menu proper protein diet for
weight loss?
Protein diet for Weight Loss
Weight loss Is possible only under conditions
of constant energy deficit. You still have to eat less, though, because of protein, you will
feel full. However, the most competent strategy is the planning of daily energy
intake according to your own weight. Calculate the ratio of its core
metabolism. This will help to choose the amount of food that will give you
courage, and at the same time, will consume fat.
By the numbers basic metabolism should add
400-800 kcal / day, if you exercise regularly, and 200-300 in the passive way
of life.
Having received the number, you can do
Protein diet for weight loss
requires mandatory adherence to the following
-You need to eat 4-6 times a day, the last
reception - 3-4 hours before sleep, the first - half an hour after getting up
-Up to 14 hours may be 1-2 servings sources of complex carbohydrates. This 4.6 tablespoons of boiled buckwheat, oatmeal, or the same cooked brown rice. From other starchy foods during active weight loss should be avoided.
-After 14 hours of the day you need to eat protein foods only with non-starchy vegetables - cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, squash,
-Fruit stands limit 1.2 savory apples or citrus fruits in the morning
-Stop taking drinks with sugar substitutes between meals, because it awakens the appetite.
-Fat, especially animal, should be limited to 30-40 grams per day. This amount is provided by 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil as a seasoning for vegetables, provided that the rest of the food is prepared without fat.
Protein products for the diet
In the diet to lose weight you have to eat one
of these protein foods at each meal:
1. 150-200 g chicken breast without skin
2. 150-300 g of seafood
3. 150-200 g lean fish,
4. 100 g veal or beef
5. 150-200 grams of tofu
6. 180-250 g of fat-free yogurt,
7. 1 serving of whey protein isolate (1 cup skim milk, 30 grams
protein powder)
8. 1 serving of "mixed" cocktail weight loss (diet-drinks
with dietary fiber, to add other foods, particularly carbohydrate, is
9. 4.6 egg whites.
These foods should be eaten in the quantities
specified in the list.
Fried, baked with cheese and fatty sauces
water is prohibited.
Permissible use of natural soy sauce, balsamic
vinegar, herbs, garlic and lemon juice as a seasoning.
Protein Diet Menu
Sample menu for a woman weighing 65 kg, who
trains three times a week, as follows:
• Breakfast: 6 egg whites, baked with spinach,
3 tablespoons of oatmeal with cinnamon and half a baked apple. Tea or coffee
without sugar and cream.
• Lunch: 3 tablespoons boiled buckwheat, 150
grams of chicken breast for a couple
• Dinner: broth with 100 g of meat and
non-starchy vegetables, grind in blender soup • Lunch: 200 g of cottage cheese
with vegetable salad
• Dinner: 200 grams of fish steam or steam
cutlets with green beans
• Before bed: a cup of yogurt or a protein
Fiber diet helps to lose weight almost all,
but it is most effective in combination with weight training in the gym. As we can see
from the list, in the period of weight loss eating sweets and alcohol are not
To prevent failures every 10 days to schedule
a day off from the diet, and eat a small portion of your favorite product
"off the list."
Before you sit down to a protein diet make
sure to complete a medical examination. Abnormalities in the kidneys, liver, heart, pregnancy are absolute
contraindications to the protein diet.
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