Saturday, 13 October 2012

Meridia - Drug Treatment of Obesity

Meridia (Meridia) - is one of the drugs for weight loss, refers to the para-and is a regulator of appetite.

Meridia has many contraindications, it is not a food additive, as a drug, which is sold only in pharmacies by prescription by a doctor. Treatment is prescribed Meridia in cases of nutritional obesity (called the alimentary obesity, which has caused an unhealthy diet and not other diseases, for example, connected with the violation of the endocrine glands) with body mass index (BMI) of at least 30.

If you are unable to self-limit the amount of calories absorbed and still have extra weight to the aid of modern science and the pharmaceutical industry. No need to limit yourself Meridia it will do for you.

Meridia is produced by the German firm Knoll AG (Germany). To confirm the effectiveness of the drug company is conducting clinical trials that brought together more than 20,000 volunteers. And confirmed the high efficiency of Meridia.

 Active ingredient - sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate (sibutramine). Sibutramine is a direct effect on the centers of the saturation of the brain, controlling the amount of food consumed and creating a feeling of satiety. So, do not be tempted to go to the kitchen and eat a sandwich.

 Meridia is not only reduces appetite and normalize digestion and metabolism, causing the body to spend more energy, lowers cholesterol.

Meridia - prolonged use of the drug. Meridia is usually appointed reception for 3-6 months, during which time you reach a healthy weight. The minimum time of application - 3 months. Short time the drug has no effect, since the effect it increases gradually.

Meridia is available in capsules (10 mg and 15 mg), taken once a day. Initial dose - 10 mg per day. While in the first 4 weeks of the patient's weight is reduced by less than 2 kg, the doctor may increase the dose to 15 mg per day.

Meridia should not be used without control is also because, under the guidance of a doctor you have to develop the right eating habits, not to gain weight again after stopping treatment. Developers suggest to anyone who wants to lose weight formula 10-20-30:
  • 10 mg - is offered at the beginning of the daily dosage of the drug,
  • 20% - for as the average amount of food intake is reduced when taking Meridia,
  • 30 minutes of exercise a day will increase the effectiveness of the drug (3 walks in 10 minutes).

Producers deny the possibility of the abuse to the drug.

Meridia contraindications to receive quite a lot, including:

anorexia nervosa and bulimia,
drug and alcohol dependency,
disease, accompanied by changes in the liver and kidney
diseases associated with disorders of the thyroid gland,
heart and vascular diseases, including heart failure, thrombophlebitis ,
tachycardia, arrhythmias, stroke,
 pregnancy, lactation,
children's age (18 years), advanced age (over 65 years).

Meridia - medicine while taking which can have side effects:

dryness of the mouth,
nausea, dizziness,
hypertension (no more than 3 mm. Hg. Article)
palpitations 3-7 strokes without signs of arrhythmia,
constipation , exacerbation of hemorrhoids,
insomnia, anxiety.

According to the manufacturer, the side effects usually do not require discontinuation of therapy and are themselves over time.

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