Peanuts - one of the ingredients of dynamite.
Grape juice
Grape juice contains acetaldehyde (close chemical relative of formaldehyde - a poisonous embalming fluid), ethyl acetate (used as a solvent varnish), acetone (used in nail polish remover), acetic acid (vinegar) and some chemicals called hexenal, which give mown grass its characteristic smell.
Chemists have discovered more than 300 substances that give special flavor of Scotch whiskey.
Everyone knows about vitamins A, B, C, D and E are less known vitamin K (promotes normal functioning of the liver), Vitamin T (effective in the treatment of anemia), vitamin H (also known as biotin) and vitamin U (helps in healing of ulcers ).
Distributing food Kanembu, a tribe living on the shores of Lake Chad in Africa. Kanembu diluted common type of algae called spirulina in the lake, dried them in the sand, filled into spicy tortillas and eaten with tomatoes and peppers.
In ancient Rome, a woodpecker eating meat was considered sinful.
500 ml of normal cola contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.
In ancient China and parts of India mouse meat was considered a great delicacy. In ancient Greece, where the mouse was sacred to Apollo, it is sometimes greedily devoured church priests.
There are 15 000 different types of rice.
Rice - the staple food for half the world's population.
Refined sugar - the only known product that does not contain any nutrients other than calories. Each year in the United States eats about 45 kg of sugar per person, and only 36 percent of them consumed directly. Else - is "hidden" in the industrial sugar sweetened or ready meals, such as ketchup, baby food, canned fruit and cereal. Children are estimated to consume 1.3-1.8 kg of refined sugar a week.
Sunflower seeds
Nutritional value of pumpkin seeds and pumpkin increases with age. These seeds are among the products that are as expansion becomes more nutritious. According to research conducted at the Massachusetts Experiment Station, in the seeds of squash and pumpkins, which were kept for more than five months, the protein content increased.
The Bible mentions the salt more than thirty times.
Although most people believe only salt seasoning, only 5 percent of the salt produced each year comes to us on the table. The rest is used for such diverse purposes as preserving of meat, road construction, production of animal feed, leather tanning, and the manufacture of glass, soap, ash and detergents.
In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was considered an aphrodisiac.
Rennet, a common substance used for coagulation of milk and cheese, are in the fourth stomach of calves.
In many tribes of South Africa, termites are roasted to orehoobraznogo state and eaten a handful as a snack. Also worth noting is that, in some specialty food stores in the U.S. and Europe connoisseur of exotic delicacies can buy treats such as chocolate-covered ants, bees and pickled candied bull scrotum.
Half of the products consumed in the world today, was produced by farmers in the mountains of the Andes. The region was first grown potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, all kinds of beans, groundnuts, cassava, cashew nuts, pineapple, chocolate, avocado, tomato, peppers, papaya, strawberries, mulberries and many other products.
On average, a kilogram of potato chips cost two hundred times more than a kilogram of potatoes.
After the appearance of comic "Popeye" in 1931, spinach consumption in the U.S. increased by thirty-three percent.
Apples are more efficient than coffee to wake up in the morning to help.
Peanuts - one of the ingredients of dynamite.
Grape juice
Grape juice contains acetaldehyde (close chemical relative of formaldehyde - a poisonous embalming fluid), ethyl acetate (used as a solvent varnish), acetone (used in nail polish remover), acetic acid (vinegar) and some chemicals called hexenal, which give mown grass its characteristic smell.
Chemists have discovered more than 300 substances that give special flavor of Scotch whiskey.
Everyone knows about vitamins A, B, C, D and E are less known vitamin K (promotes normal functioning of the liver), Vitamin T (effective in the treatment of anemia), vitamin H (also known as biotin) and vitamin U (helps in healing of ulcers ).
Distributing food Kanembu, a tribe living on the shores of Lake Chad in Africa. Kanembu diluted common type of algae called spirulina in the lake, dried them in the sand, filled into spicy tortillas and eaten with tomatoes and peppers.
In ancient Rome, a woodpecker eating meat was considered sinful.
500 ml of normal cola contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.
In ancient China and parts of India mouse meat was considered a great delicacy. In ancient Greece, where the mouse was sacred to Apollo, it is sometimes greedily devoured church priests.
There are 15 000 different types of rice.
Rice - the staple food for half the world's population.
Refined sugar - the only known product that does not contain any nutrients other than calories. Each year in the United States eats about 45 kg of sugar per person, and only 36 percent of them consumed directly. Else - is "hidden" in the industrial sugar sweetened or ready meals, such as ketchup, baby food, canned fruit and cereal. Children are estimated to consume 1.3-1.8 kg of refined sugar a week.
Sunflower seeds
Nutritional value of pumpkin seeds and pumpkin increases with age. These seeds are among the products that are as expansion becomes more nutritious. According to research conducted at the Massachusetts Experiment Station, in the seeds of squash and pumpkins, which were kept for more than five months, the protein content increased.
The Bible mentions the salt more than thirty times.
Although most people believe only salt seasoning, only 5 percent of the salt produced each year comes to us on the table. The rest is used for such diverse purposes as preserving of meat, road construction, production of animal feed, leather tanning, and the manufacture of glass, soap, ash and detergents.
In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was considered an aphrodisiac.
Rennet, a common substance used for coagulation of milk and cheese, are in the fourth stomach of calves.
In many tribes of South Africa, termites are roasted to orehoobraznogo state and eaten a handful as a snack. Also worth noting is that, in some specialty food stores in the U.S. and Europe connoisseur of exotic delicacies can buy treats such as chocolate-covered ants, bees and pickled candied bull scrotum.
Half of the products consumed in the world today, was produced by farmers in the mountains of the Andes. The region was first grown potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, all kinds of beans, groundnuts, cassava, cashew nuts, pineapple, chocolate, avocado, tomato, peppers, papaya, strawberries, mulberries and many other products.
On average, a kilogram of potato chips cost two hundred times more than a kilogram of potatoes.
After the appearance of comic "Popeye" in 1931, spinach consumption in the U.S. increased by thirty-three percent.
Apples are more efficient than coffee to wake up in the morning to help.
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