Saturday, 13 October 2012

Castor Oil for Weight Loss

For years, castor oil is prescribed by doctors as a purgative. But medicine has evolved, and the new, softer drugs currently occupy this niche, and the popularity of castor oil as a medicine declined. Of course, the beneficial properties of oils are used in our day: how many years ago, it is used for skin care, to strengthen the hair - just as a cosmetic. In addition, castor oil is used for massage. However, this is not all of the properties, which can boast castor oil. Traditional medicine is successfully using castor oil for weight loss, and in combination with diet and exercise, it gives results.

Castor oil for weight loss Recipes

There are some recipes use of castor oil as a means to combat obesity. They are based on the purification of the body.

The first option is the consumption of 2-3 tea spoons of castor oil before breakfast. Drink it later in the day is not recommended: the fact that the effect and it will be quite severe, doctors advise abused castor oil, because it can negatively affect your health. Oil is a similar technique in the week, after a week without oil can return to its consumption, again, for seven days.

The second recipe is a single dose of castor oil in the morning in the amount of 1.5-2 tablespoons, and then the whole day the body is cleaned. On this day, of course, nothing is planned.

The third recipe - it is 1 teaspoon butter, plus the same amount of dry ground into powder chicory root. With this mixture decreases appetite and lowers blood sugar. Take castor oil with chicory for a month in the morning.

You can take castor oil for weight loss, together with linseed oil: Take a teaspoon of both and wash down with a glass of cold water. As a result, improves lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

You can also mix a teaspoon of castor oil with a tablespoon of bran powder and a tablespoon of low-fat yogurt - this mixture is not only a one-time get rid of constipation, but also normalizes the intestinal flora.

The use of castor oil: Reviews

Castor oil as a means to combat excess weight has its fans, but the negative reviews too much. First, do not abuse them, in reasonable doses oil will actually help the body to cleanse, but excessive consumption of it will lead to an upset stomach, and disorder, in turn, to dehydration and loss of important vitamins like A, E and C and other essential elements, without which the body simply can not function properly. The more that the continued use of laxatives for weight loss does not help - on the contrary, normal metabolism, resulting in reduced efficiency of your diet.

 If the reception of castor oil may cause diarrhea, you should drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which further slows the metabolism.

Castor oil makes sense to use for its intended purpose, when the abundance of protein food problems with a chair (on protein diets). When applied properly, it will relieve the body of toxins and impurities, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

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