Saturday 13 October 2012

Drug for weight loss Xenical

One of the most currently popular tools for weight loss - orlistat (Xenical).

Xenical - Swiss drug for weight loss, the effect of his work by blocking an enzyme (lipase) that breaks down fat from food to the point where the body can absorb them.

In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (pharmaceutical company F.Hoffmann-LaRoche Ltd, has been operating for over 100 years):

Xenical - an inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases, reduces the amount of calories absorbed by the body, preventing the absorption of some fat.

Xenical is not absorbed into the blood and, therefore, no adverse effects on internal organs, is not addictive.

Xenical is awarded:
  • Persons who are obese (BMI over DA) or overweight (BMI 25 to 30), and who are already suffering from diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis or hypertension, or have risk factors for these diseases.

Xenical is used, combining the drug with a moderately low fat diet.

Xenical blocks the process of fat digestion, approximately 30% of ingested fat is not broken down and excreted out with the feces. The body, getting less fat, starts using reserves accumulated in the body.

When taking Xenical, first weight is stabilized, then if we completely follow the recommendations, the weight can be reduced by more than 20%.

All side effects that may occur while taking Xenical, arise from the bowel is:

  • oily discharge from the rectum; 
  • flatulence - excessive discharge of gases; 
  • more frequent bowel movements, 
  • fat / oily stool,
  • fecal incontinence.

    It is also possible pain or discomfort in the stomach, loose stools.

    All of these phenomena - the result of blocking fat. Fats that are not absorbed into the blood, mixed with a chair. Side effects are more likely if the food contains a lot of fat.

    Low-fat diet significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects when taking Xenical. Gradually, chronic administration of the drug, patients learn to control the amount of fat in the diet.

    Xenical is contraindicated for people with :
    • chronic syndrome of impaired intestinal absorption
    • gallbladder disease
    • The drug should not be used during pregnancy and women who are breast-fed and 18. 
     Taking the drug can only be under the supervision of a doctor if you have
    • lithonephria
    • diabetes
    • anorexia or bulimia 
    •  if you are taking any other slimming allow sandimmun (Sandimmun, Neoral).

    if you are taking any other slimming allow sandimmun (Sandimmun, Neoral).

    In any case, before taking Xenical, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist. Your doctor may suggest a special program to maximize the effect of taking Xenical, combining diet and ancillary products. Taking Xenical under doctor's guidance, you will develop new eating habits. In this case, after the drug gone pounds come back.

    How to take Xenical?

    Take one capsule of Xenical during meals or not later than one hour after the meal. If the food does not contain fat, receiving Xenical can be skipped. Each tablet with a full glass of water.
    You can take up to 3 capsules a day orlistat (120 mg 3 times a day), so the advance plan, what meals you'd better take it. If you miss Xenical, and after the meal was over an hour, just take your next capsule at the time of or after the next meal. You cannot take a double dose.

    When taking Xenical, a balanced diet, where the fats make up no more than 30% of the total caloric intake. For example, if the daily ration of 2,000 kcal / day, fat intake should be no more than '67 Moreover, the daily rate of fat should be distributed over three main meals - with them and take Xenical.


    Xenical also reduces the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, consult your doctor may need to take extra multivitamin preparations containing vitamins (A, D, E, K and beta-carotene). Take vitamins every day for at least 2 hours after taking orlistat or at bedtime.

    Do not think that taking Xenical, you can eat as much as fat, not only did not lose weight, so also the side effects of "enjoy" the full.

    For example, the famous Russian nutritionist Queen Margarita recommends:

    Only occasional use of Xenical in one-time use of a lot of fatty foods. The rest of the time just to eat less fat.

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