Saturday 3 November 2012

How to increase breast folk remedies? List of herbs

In modern Western culture, big breasts are considered to be a symbol of beauty, femininity and vitality. Because of this, many women are turning to plastic surgery and folk remedies to increase breast size and firmness.

At the moment there are not conducted clinical studies that have confirmed that taking herbs - a safe and effective method for the growth of breasts.

After herbal compounds can interact with conventional medications, including blood thinners, and oral contraceptives. However, some women may experience short-term growth of breast tissue while taking these supplements.

Women who are unhappy with their size and want to enlarge your breasts of folk remedies, you need to select one of several products sold as herbal supplements to enhance breast size. These drugs typically contain a set of herbs that are able to mimic the action of estrogen in the female body.

How to increase breast folk remedies: a list of herbs

Black cohosh

The roots of black cohosh is generally used to relieve the symptoms of menopause, helping hot flashes and dryness. Initially, black cohosh considered a promising herbal preparations that have an estrogenic effect, but recent studies have determined that the plant produces mixed results in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and cannot be an effective source of estrogen. Also note that black cohosh is not recommended to accept women with various liver diseases.


Fennel is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean, which can be used, either raw or cooked. Its seeds are used as a seasoning for food and for medicinal purposes. Fennel is traditionally used as a laxative, diuretic and antispasmodic. But in 2003, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published a study which found that fennel has a pronounced estrogenic effect confirmed by the increase of mammary glands in the experimental rats.

Wild yam

Initially, wild yam was used in 18 - 19 centuries to treat indigestion, nausea, menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. One of the most active ingredients wild yam are phytoestrogens, which can be chemically converted into progesterone - a hormone that plays a key role in the onset of menstruation and pregnancy. But so far there is no conclusive evidence that wild yam has a stable effect of estrogen on the body.

Blessed thistle

According to the Institute of Health, blessed thistle has been used over the past centuries to stimulate production of breast milk. But modern research has been undertaken to assess any impact of this herb on hormone levels in the body. Although theoretically thistle can increase breast in non-breastfeeding women, simulating lactation.


This herb is a weak sedative commonly used as ingredients to make beer or ale. But hops can be used as a means of stimulating lactation. True, the research supporting its effectiveness, there is currently no.


Soy contains isoflavones - estrogen-like compounds that are structurally and functionally similar to estrogen. However, include soybeans to drugs that can increase breast folk remedies, it can be only in theory.


It is a popular herb used for centuries to stimulate additional production of milk for infant feeding. In theory, fenugreek can increase your bust size , mimicking the hormonal conditions associated with lactation. But it is also connected with it and a few serious side effects, such as body odor.


Many women have no need to try not to eat garlic, fearing that its pungent smell may alienate the child from the breast. A study published in the medical journal, has denied the common misconception. In addition, a diet rich in garlic can improve milk production by encouraging the child to more frequent feeding.


Natural licorice root can increase the size of your bust by increasing levels of estrogen and prolactin - the two hormones associated with lactation and breast augmentation.

Red clover

Commonly used to treat people's means of menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome. But red clover is also an excellent source of isoflavones. These estrogen-like compounds could theoretically increase breast size . However, there is not sufficient evidence to support its use.


Remember that uncontrolled taking of herbs, often causes a number of serious side effects, so it is important to visit a pre-qualified in the field of medicines.

Juice for weight loss. What to choose?

Of course, the use of juice for weight loss, which are made from fresh fruits and vegetables using a juicer, is not any healthier solution than simple consumption of fruits and vegetables in the whole form.

However, supporters of juice claim it provides a number of health benefits - it supplies the body more nutrients, facilitates digestion, promotes bowel detoxification process and, of course, contributes to weight loss.

So, how effective juice for weight loss?

Juice and weight loss

Juice can be a healthy alternative to soft drinks that promote weight gain . Some juices, such as cranberry, citrus and watermelon also contain substances which increase the rate of weight loss. For example, cranberries and citrus fruits are rich in ascorbic acid, and amino acids in watermelon improve glucose metabolism and prevent the accumulation of fat. In addition, the juice increased fluid intake, which fills the stomach and helps to suppress appetite.

Juice and obesity

Shop juices, especially fruit, often additionally loaded with sugar, salt and other additives that can greatly increase your intake of calories. However, "losing weight" often ignore it or underestimate the amount of calories they get from these "juices for weight loss."

In a study published in 2004 found that on average, women increased their daily caloric intake by 400 units in the receiver store sweetened juices. People usually do not reduce your daily amount of food in order to somehow compensate for the consumption of purchased fruit juices.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Since the preparation of vegetable juice (to get 1 glass), you should use a few vegetables and fruits, the resulting content of carbohydrates is much higher than in the juice, which is made from a single ingredient. This can lead to a surge in blood sugar and insulin levels, which will prevent weight loss. And, in general, vegetables, especially non-starchy types contain less sugar than fruit, so are the best option for juicing for weight loss.

Juices rich in vitamin "C"

Although fruit juices have a higher sugar content, some of which can still be part of your healthy juice for weight loss. For example (as we wrote above), cranberry and lemon juice, rich in vitamin "C" (ascorbic acid). This vitamin improves the liver's ability to break down fat and increases the level of glutathione - a key antioxidant liver, which contributes to its detoxification through excretion via the bile, and the end products of metabolism, thus promoting weight loss.

Watermelon juice for weight loss

Watermelon juice contains a lot of amino acids L-Citrulline, which is an effective precursor to other amino acid L-arginine, helps reduce body fat and blood sugar levels. Because high levels of glucose in the blood increases the level of insulin - a hormone that promotes the accumulation of body fat, especially around the abdomen.

However, oral administration of high doses of L-arginine can cause symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. During the study, a team of experts from the U.S. has found that dietary supplementation with watermelon juice extract increased the level of arginine in rats, which helped prevent the accumulation of fat and reduce the level of glucose in the blood.

Side Effects

If you have diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, consult your physician before using the fasting days on juices for weight loss. In addition, their duration does not exceed three days. Otherwise, due to a lack of important nutrients entering your body with dairy, meat and flour products, there may be side effects such as fatigue and allergies.

For juicing for weight loss choose the most healthy and natural fruits and vegetables. When you do a fresh juice at home, she sings it right away, as the bacteria builds up in the fresh juice fast. Consult with your doctor or dietitian about the possibility to use the juice during pregnancy.

Separate food for losing weight

Separate meals for weight loss - it is not just a diet , it's a whole system of law, principles which should be followed all his life to help your body to fully digest the food eaten, and thus receive the nutritional value of products in full.

The author of the idea of ​​a separate food that helped to deal with their own health problems.

The History of the separate food for weight loss

The idea of ​​separation of nutritional products for optimum digestion and as a result, weight loss, dating to the early twentieth century. Dr. William Howard Hay developed the principles which formed the basis for a new system of healthy eating, after he developed a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure and Bright's disease. He experimented with the treatment of their disease with diet, in particular, separating the different types of food to help normalize digestive function.
Dr. Howard Hay suggested that the body cannot fully digest the food, which results in incomplete supply, which means that if isolate different types of foods, the body will absorb them more efficiently, getting more nutrients to help the body fight disease.

The advantages of a separate food for weight loss


Protein foods take several hours to digest, and the carbohydrates pass through the stomach quickly. Therefore, if you do not adhere to the principles of food combining for weight loss carbs will have to "wait" for your stomach to complete processing of the protein together to get to the small intestine. The result is that carbohydrates will wander - perhaps as a result of diarrhea.


Tryptophan - an amino acid that your brain converts into serotonin - a neurotransmitter that gives you a sense of calm and peace. But only one amino acid can cross the blood-brain barrier at a time, and your brain will convert the one that gets there first. Therefore, if you do not meet the basic principles of food combining for weight loss, then you add the extra amino acids to the "competition", and thus, tryptophan, cannot win the "race."


The combination of carbohydrates and protein in the diet affects your concentration and alertness. Protein foods contain tyrosine, which is converted to dopamine in the brain, which controls the mental processes and gives you energy. Therefore, the rejection of the principles of food combining for weight loss will lead to what will prevent insulin drawn to tyrosine "reach" of your brain first.

The basic rules of food combining for weight loss

If you are willing to try a separate food for weight loss, follow these seven simple rules, and the result will not make you wait too long.

Do not mix ...


1. Carbohydrates and acidic foods

Never eat beans, potatoes , bread and other products of carbohydrate type together with oranges, lemons, tangerines and other acidic fruits.

2.Protein with carbohydrates

Never eat fruit, potatoes or bread with cheese, meat, nuts and eggs.

3.Two different protein products.

It is advisable not to take different protein-rich foods together, such as dairy products, meat and nuts. Milk is best used separately.

4.Fats to proteins

Do not eat dairy products, along with nuts, meat, eggs, and other protein-rich foods.

5. Sour fruit with protein food

It is advisable not to eat oranges, lemons, grapefruits , etc. with nuts, meat, eggs, cheese.

6. Starchy food sweet

Butter, sugar, jam, syrup do not mix well with cereals, potatoes, bread. Taking these two different food groups is the cause of fermentation in the gut.

7. Melon with other dishes

Eat different varieties of melons separately from the rest. After a while you can start eating other foods - let melon get the correct processing in the stomach.
Consult with your doctor before you begin to observe the principles of food combining for weight loss is to make sure that this type of power supply meets all your medical needs. If you are taking medication for any illness, including heart disease or diabetes, divided food combined successfully with medication, actively expanding it. Good luck to you !

Is there any effect of fruits for weight loss?

As you know, fruits provide the body with plenty of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and natural sugars - fructose.

But, some of them may even help in matters of weight loss, as a healthy alternative to products that interfere with proper weight loss, for example, such as sweet desserts and snacks rich in harmful trans and saturated fats.

Although fruits and contain natural sugar, but, on the other hand, they have a fairly low glycemic index, and almost minimal in calories and fat.

So, what is the use of fruit for weight loss?


Decreased appetite

Such fruits for weight loss, like blueberries and avocados, contain fiber, which helps maintain healthy digestion, improves intestinal peristalsis, and gives you the opportunity to stay longer satiated after eating. A famous American nutritionist Jonny Bowden even included blueberries in the top 10 super foods for weight loss , because it is low in calories, does not have much impact on blood sugar and rich in fiber. And ingestion of avocado enables the human body healthy fats, which help to reduce appetite.

Fruits with high water content also helps suppress appetite, as water, filling the gastrointestinal tract, causing early satiety and helps digestion. Examples of these are the fruit - watermelon , melon and orange.


You should always supply your body with the necessary nutrients for optimal results in absolutely any diet . So eat fruit as rich beneficial vitamins and minerals. This will help you to prevent further occurrence of nutrient deficiency during the day to reduce calorie intake.

Fruit weight loss will also help reduce cravings for sweet and starchy foods, because They contain natural sugars and some carbohydrates. We recommend that you eat dried fruit as an excellent source of iron and consume more fruits rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, oranges, pineapples, tomatoes, grapefruit, because vitamin C helps the body to actively fully absorb iron from food.


Grapefruits contain a large amount of liquid and are renowned for their low calorie - only 39 calories per 100 grams. Jonny Bowden and grapefruit also made ​​the list of top 10 super foods for weight loss, because it really helps to get rid of excess weight , which once again proved Bowden conducted the study. Therefore, American Council for Physical Development recommends regularly add fruit to your breakfast grapefruit.

Replacing dessert

Sweet desserts in successful and rapid weight loss , because they are often rich in not only refined sugar, and saturated fat and calories. So if you can not live without the sweet, but at the same time want to lose weight, you will help low-calorie fruits for weight loss.

Replace ice cream and milkshakes to fresh juices, fruit drinks and derivatives made from fresh fruit. Instead of sugary snacks, such as candy, use slices of fruit, such as apples dipped in natural peanut butter. Instead of cake or pastry cook light chocolate fruit fondue. To do this, melt the dark chocolate - a great source of antioxidants, to taste sugar substitute or a natural sweetener, and then the warm chocolate sauce dip fruit strawberries, blueberries and other berries of your choice.

That is, after the training?

Attempt to plan a visit gyms or fitness clubs for many, especially given the current rich and "busy" life turns into a problem. Naturally, the time for it to think about what you eat after a workout in the busy schedule and did not.
Although it may seem this is a waste of time, but what you eat after exercise is important.

That's why the food for athletes after a workout is one of the most important meal of the day, the correctness of which can improve or worsen their general training. But sometimes, this is a matter of confusion for trainees, and not everyone knows what to eat after school.

Let's analyze how we can try to get rid of this puzzle.
Today in the paper, we consider the following questions:

·         Why you should eat after a workout?
·         What can I eat after a workout?
·         What not to eat after a workout?
·         After some time, you have to eat after a workout?

Well-known fact that in the present 
diet and exercise go hand in hand, so a careful analysis of what you eat during the day, will give you the maximum benefit. Obviously, the load on a full stomach can make you sluggish, but total abstinence from food to training will not do any good. Make no illusions that the less you eat, the better you will get a result. Only the combination of nutritious food with exercise will have an effect.

Why you should eat after a workout?
For those who are actively involved in programs for weight loss, the most profitable and important factor is a nutritious and balanced diet.

During a workout, you spend one, two, or maybe more hours, which leads to depletion of your energy reserves and body fluids. That is why it is important to make it so that you were able to recover as soon as possible and start with ease next workout. Building muscles and maintaining them requires a lot of effort, and regular exercise will help you with this.
Your body also needs energy, so the food you eat should contain enough calories.

That is, after the training?

Besides water, after each workout (cardio or strength) you'll need to replenish your body with foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates. You should also calculate how many calories you consume for a workout.
Depending on the number of calories burned, you have to eat exactly half that amount.

So, after a workout you can eat:
- Eggs and toast 
- fresh vegetable or fruit juice 
- low fat ice cream 
- cheese with fruit 
- protein (protein) drinks, 
- cereals and skimmed milk
- Dried fruit and unsalted nuts.

What not to eat after a workout?

Always stay away from any foods that contain fat. Fat is bad for you, especially after a workout, because it slows the rate of absorption by your body of nutrients and digestion of proteins and carbohydrates.
You do not want all the "right things" that you have eaten, had the opposite result?
Also should be excluded from the diet for at least two hours after the end of training all caffeine-containing beverages ( coffee , tea).

After some time, you have to eat after a workout?

The first hour after training is for your body "golden hour", which means that the glycogen stores in the body are depleted and by conversion of glucose into glycogen. The body needs glucose, which is actively consumed to replace muscle glycogen is used up. Along with the necessary food after a workout, the body is also important to replenish moisture lost through sweat. So within half an hour of training, you have to fill liquid and restore lost glycogen in your muscles.

Remember these necessary instructions about what to eat after workout. Remember that you need to restore fluid and energy to compensate the lost nutrients in your body to be strong. Try to avoid eating after work, but do not overdo it. Fasting not bring you closer to your goals and will only slow down the real result.Good luck!

Proper Nutrition Before Exercise

For all those who use the exercise (in conjunction with a healthy diet) and is interested in the food before exercise, there are two simple rules that should always be remembered.

First , the products should be easily digestible and at the same time provide the body with energy for exercise.

Secondly the number of calories consumed should be less than the amount of energy that will be consumed during exercise.


Here are some useful tips on the foods to eat before a workout, including a list of products that meet these criteria.

Advice about nutrition before exercise

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats?

The best food before exercise are those that provide the body with instant energy so that the body had enough "fuel" for intense exercise. And the best way to provide the body with instant energy - eat foods that are rich in carbohydrates.

If a person uses the pre-workout meal rich in carbohydrates, apart from obtaining energy body, another advantage is that the food remains in the stomach a couple of hours. On the other hand, if the food is rich in abundant amount of protein and fat, then they will be digested by a few hours, which can create a number of gastrointestinal problems for stride.

Thus, the power before training should be in the ratio of 3:1 for carbohydrates and protein, with a very small number of healthy fats such as those found in olive oil or flax seeds. A list of easily digestible carbohydrates, which must be taken within one hour after exercise are - fruit juices, fruits like watermelon, banana , pineapple, mango, apricots, fruit smoothies, sports drinks and energy bars.

Refined or complex carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are necessary before exercise does not have to be refined. So, if you want to know about optimal nutrition before exercise, the answer lies in the use of complex carbohydrates, which are contained in foods such as vegetables , fruits and whole grains. Complex carbohydrates are rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and, thus, will make good nutrition.

How much to water before exercise?

It is very important that your body is not dehydrated before, during and after exercise . If the body does not have enough liquid - it can cause problems such as headaches, cramps, and fatigue, and a person cannot deal with properly. It is generally recommended that a person should drink two liters of water a day. Before training the woman should take about 500 grams. water, and a man - 800 gr.

How much sodium is necessary?

Along with the increased demand for water, it is important to compensate for the losses involved in electrolytes such as sodium. When a person sweats during exercise, it loses salt. To make them, use drinks such as coconut water, or any of the energy drinks should be taken before or during a workout . A simple addition of salt in the food before exercise will also help to make up for the lost electrolytes.

Caloric intake before exercise

It is important not only to choose the correct diet before exercise and calorie intake. Too much food before going to the gym can make you lazy or even cause an upset stomach. On the other hand, eating too little food, you can quickly lead to the feeling of hunger or lose all the energy to the end of exercise. The ideal caloric intake before exercise should be - two hundred women and three hundred calories for men.

Food before training should consist of foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, cereals, egg white, whole grain crackers, low-fat milk, tomato and vegetable juices - and should be taken two to three hours before training so that time to fully digest.

But the body of each person individually, so the general requirements can differ from person to person. There are people who just cannot eat anything before exercise. For these people, it is desirable that the previous meal was rich in complex carbohydrates. It can be a dinner before a morning workout or breakfast, if going to the gym is scheduled for the afternoon.

 Experiment with different food options before exercise, and determine which is best suited to your body. BUT ! Even after a number of unsuccessful attempts to find a variant of the food refuse from training on an empty stomach is better to go for a consultation with a dietitian. Good luck !

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