Tuesday 16 October 2012

Diet - Whether they are the body?

Do you think it will come to mind healthy man in the prime idea - go on a diet? In general, such a man is hard to imagine. But women do not just think about it, but often turn to action. The most common reason - the desire to lose weight through diet. Why? To appeal to the same men, and there's nothing to be done - in this sense, women are capable of anything.

Which only diets do not exist in the world! Some are not designed to force the body to lose weight in a matter of days, others are effective only if they adhere to a long time. Importantly, in the process of destroying the calories do not destroy their own health, which may well falter if the body will not have enough of certain substances it needs. If we talk about the right weight loss, it is, above all, should be gradual, not sudden, and with some form of exercise in which the increasing muscle mass will replace the fat layer. But it is possible and not to bring the body to the point where it is you need special programs for losing weight - just the time to observe the principles of healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

Another thing, when diets are necessary for specific diseases, and here it does not matter - it's male or female body. In any case, simple knowledge, for example, for patients with diabetes cannot eat anything sweet - is not enough. For organizing the supply of competent responsible special doctor - a nutritionist, and it is necessary to visit, if required by the disease. For example, persons who have problems with the cardiovascular system, it may suggest that in hot weather, you need to limit the amount of animal fats and to favor dairy and plant foods. From drinks quench thirst more appropriate green tea, non-carbonated mineral water, water with honey and lemon. Available the same advice may not be appropriate, therefore, an individual diet for each disease is a must.

There are also diets that prevent the development of disease. For example, a diet based on the daily use of a large number of buckwheat. Why Buckwheat? Because it contains a unique substance as quercetin, which inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors and prevents their formation. Parallel to this, buckwheat diet, often also called "Laskin diet" has a positive effect on the blood vessels of the body - prevents atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. Eating buckwheat not constitute a waiver of all other products - chicken, fish, garlic, carrots, mushrooms - all of it is good when used correctly.

Interestingly, the effectiveness of the diet is increased, when the last meal (containing buckwheat) occurs in about five to six hours before bedtime. It turns out that if during sleep stomach is empty, the body begins to move to endogenous nutrition, in which the digestive tract of large volumes of digestive secretions. Digesting each other enzymes form amino acids and peptides that enter the blood. By themselves, these substances are not only nutritious material, but also significantly increase the activity of the immune system, which is naturally very good for the body since it has no power to deal with maturing diseases.

Many of the products for a certain use of them are curative, so the process of eating, we must consider not just as an act of saturation, but also as a real help to our body.

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