Saturday 13 October 2012

Diet for allergies to pollen (hay fever)

Suggested diet for hay fever is recommended by specialists in alternative medicine. Consult your doctor about these recommendations.

It is believed that refined sugar and casein - a protein milk products are blennogenic substances that during hay fever season is better to exclude. Taking commercially available drugs - derivatives of calcium and magnesium, can help the body regulate the production of histamine.

A diet rich in vegetables and fruit, supplies the body with plenty of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which help stabilize the cells that contain histamine. Bioflavonoid quercetin supplements can also help to control the level of histamine.

 Some researchers believe that honey has a desensitizing and anti-allergic effect and can help relieve the symptoms of hay fever. To do this, two months before the start of the season is on 2 tsp of honey, obtained from a nearby apiary. Or chew (but not swallow), tiny pieces of honey in the comb, 10 minutes, 2 times a day. Check with your doctor to avoid possible allergic reactions.

Many people who suffer from allergies to pollen, also react to some other products and may experience the symptoms of allergy as a result of their use are: eggs, nuts, fish, shellfish, chocolate, dairy products, wheat, corn, citrus products dyes and preservatives.

Alcoholic beverages can not be used when you are taking antihistamines.

Diet for hay fever

If you have found an allergy to pollen of birch, alder or hazel, an allergic reaction may occur when used:
  • stone fruit (plums, plums, apricots, peaches, cherries, olives),
  • nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts,
  • fruit - kiwi, apples, pears, fresh
  • herbs - thyme, fennel, anise, celery,
  • vegetables - can be allergic to carrots potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions.
If you are allergic to pollen grains of meadow grasses, the allergic reaction is possible to: corn, sorrel, soy, beans, peanuts, strawberries, citrus fruits, brew beer.

Recommended to exclude from the diet: cereal, flour products, or containing the flour (cakes, sauces).

If you are allergic to the pollen of Asteraceae plants, an allergic reaction can occur at:
  • Sunflower seeds and products (sunflower oil, paste, mayonnaise), endive,
  • Melon, watermelon,
  • Herbs and spices (cumin, anise, cinnamon, coriander, celery,
  • Ginger, parsley, dill, curry, pepper, nutmeg),
  • Beverages , which include wormwood (conditioners).
  • Allergic reactions to bananas, citrus fruits, carrots, and garlic.
Naturally, in each case should be excluded from the herbal plants for which there is an allergy.

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