Saturday, 3 November 2012

Separate food for losing weight

Separate meals for weight loss - it is not just a diet , it's a whole system of law, principles which should be followed all his life to help your body to fully digest the food eaten, and thus receive the nutritional value of products in full.

The author of the idea of ​​a separate food that helped to deal with their own health problems.

The History of the separate food for weight loss

The idea of ​​separation of nutritional products for optimum digestion and as a result, weight loss, dating to the early twentieth century. Dr. William Howard Hay developed the principles which formed the basis for a new system of healthy eating, after he developed a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure and Bright's disease. He experimented with the treatment of their disease with diet, in particular, separating the different types of food to help normalize digestive function.
Dr. Howard Hay suggested that the body cannot fully digest the food, which results in incomplete supply, which means that if isolate different types of foods, the body will absorb them more efficiently, getting more nutrients to help the body fight disease.

The advantages of a separate food for weight loss


Protein foods take several hours to digest, and the carbohydrates pass through the stomach quickly. Therefore, if you do not adhere to the principles of food combining for weight loss carbs will have to "wait" for your stomach to complete processing of the protein together to get to the small intestine. The result is that carbohydrates will wander - perhaps as a result of diarrhea.


Tryptophan - an amino acid that your brain converts into serotonin - a neurotransmitter that gives you a sense of calm and peace. But only one amino acid can cross the blood-brain barrier at a time, and your brain will convert the one that gets there first. Therefore, if you do not meet the basic principles of food combining for weight loss, then you add the extra amino acids to the "competition", and thus, tryptophan, cannot win the "race."


The combination of carbohydrates and protein in the diet affects your concentration and alertness. Protein foods contain tyrosine, which is converted to dopamine in the brain, which controls the mental processes and gives you energy. Therefore, the rejection of the principles of food combining for weight loss will lead to what will prevent insulin drawn to tyrosine "reach" of your brain first.

The basic rules of food combining for weight loss

If you are willing to try a separate food for weight loss, follow these seven simple rules, and the result will not make you wait too long.

Do not mix ...


1. Carbohydrates and acidic foods

Never eat beans, potatoes , bread and other products of carbohydrate type together with oranges, lemons, tangerines and other acidic fruits.

2.Protein with carbohydrates

Never eat fruit, potatoes or bread with cheese, meat, nuts and eggs.

3.Two different protein products.

It is advisable not to take different protein-rich foods together, such as dairy products, meat and nuts. Milk is best used separately.

4.Fats to proteins

Do not eat dairy products, along with nuts, meat, eggs, and other protein-rich foods.

5. Sour fruit with protein food

It is advisable not to eat oranges, lemons, grapefruits , etc. with nuts, meat, eggs, cheese.

6. Starchy food sweet

Butter, sugar, jam, syrup do not mix well with cereals, potatoes, bread. Taking these two different food groups is the cause of fermentation in the gut.

7. Melon with other dishes

Eat different varieties of melons separately from the rest. After a while you can start eating other foods - let melon get the correct processing in the stomach.
Consult with your doctor before you begin to observe the principles of food combining for weight loss is to make sure that this type of power supply meets all your medical needs. If you are taking medication for any illness, including heart disease or diabetes, divided food combined successfully with medication, actively expanding it. Good luck to you !

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