Friday, 2 November 2012

Fasting for weight loss

More and more people are now obese, and in the public so much conflicting information, it is not surprising that some people believe that fasting - it is great for weight loss.

However, most medical experts and nutritionists warn that uncontrolled fasting for weight loss is not an effective way to deal with excessive pounds, and can even be harmful to your health.

Because even starvation and leads to significant results in weight loss, but the main problem of fasting for weight loss is that each of pounds are likely to return back immediately after the return to the traditional diet for you. But first things first order !

What is fasting for weight loss?
In its pure form is to eliminate hunger from your diet all foods and beverages except water. Apart from the complete fasting for weight loss, it is also possible to use "partial starvation." That means eliminating all solid foods and the need to focus on drink natural fruit and vegetable juices.

Also, fasting is used not only for weight loss, but also as a way to cleanse the body and get a push for a healthy lifestyle.

Who useful starvation?
Fasting may be helpful when done under the guidance of medical professionals. Some types of starvation under medical care used to prepare people for surgery or to help them lose weight quickly. This kind of fasting for weight loss can be not only useful, but also be the salvation for the people suffering from obesity as an urgent need to reduce the weight of the body in order to prevent serious health problems.

Side effects of fasting for weight loss

Here are some of the disadvantages of uncontrolled starvation:

Fasting helps to lower blood sugar
One of the most serious risks associated with fasting for weight loss includes a low level of glucose in the blood. All products contain a certain amount of sugar, so when you eat, it is digested, and ultimately into the blood and provides you with energy. During fasting, you do not get any sugar, which means you will not have the energy needed to perform your daily tasks. This can cause dizziness and nausea, and in extreme cases lead to loss of consciousness and even the appearance of coma.

Fasting increases stress
During fasting for weight loss your body goes into energy saving mode, starting to slow down metabolism and released into the blood cortisol - a stress hormone that is produced by adrenal glands. A large amount of cortisol can make you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally intense.

Fasting destroys muscle
When you do not get enough food, the hormone cortisol will try to draw out some of the amino acids from muscle and convert them into glucose, which will be sent to the brain and kidneys. Of course, the brain can also use fat as a fuel source, but preference is given to glucose. Receiving amino acids, cortisol actually destroys your muscle tissue, which in turn further slows metabolism.

Fasting leads to increased hunger
If you do not consume food for a long period of time, your body will produce less thyroid hormone. Reduction of thyroid hormones and muscle decay slows down the overall metabolism in your body. This becomes obvious when you stop fasting for weight loss and return to a normal diet. With a slow metabolism and increased appetite you begin to gain weight very quickly.

Starvation causes health problems
Prolonged fasting for weight loss, due to depletion of the supply of essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes can lead to various health problems, including fatigue, headache, dehydration, dizziness, constipation, hypoglycemia, anemia, muscle weakness, gallstones and confusion.

Alternative fasting for weight loss

Ironically, the best way to lose weight - stick to five or six meals a day. A diet rich in products such as whole grains and complex carbohydrates require more time and energy to be assimilated, thus helping to accelerate the body's metabolism.
In addition, regular exercise helps to increase your metabolism. Include in your fitness plan activities such as jogging, walking, weight training and Pilates to increase your muscle tone.

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