Saturday, 3 November 2012

How to increase breast folk remedies? List of herbs

In modern Western culture, big breasts are considered to be a symbol of beauty, femininity and vitality. Because of this, many women are turning to plastic surgery and folk remedies to increase breast size and firmness.

At the moment there are not conducted clinical studies that have confirmed that taking herbs - a safe and effective method for the growth of breasts.

After herbal compounds can interact with conventional medications, including blood thinners, and oral contraceptives. However, some women may experience short-term growth of breast tissue while taking these supplements.

Women who are unhappy with their size and want to enlarge your breasts of folk remedies, you need to select one of several products sold as herbal supplements to enhance breast size. These drugs typically contain a set of herbs that are able to mimic the action of estrogen in the female body.

How to increase breast folk remedies: a list of herbs

Black cohosh

The roots of black cohosh is generally used to relieve the symptoms of menopause, helping hot flashes and dryness. Initially, black cohosh considered a promising herbal preparations that have an estrogenic effect, but recent studies have determined that the plant produces mixed results in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and cannot be an effective source of estrogen. Also note that black cohosh is not recommended to accept women with various liver diseases.


Fennel is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean, which can be used, either raw or cooked. Its seeds are used as a seasoning for food and for medicinal purposes. Fennel is traditionally used as a laxative, diuretic and antispasmodic. But in 2003, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published a study which found that fennel has a pronounced estrogenic effect confirmed by the increase of mammary glands in the experimental rats.

Wild yam

Initially, wild yam was used in 18 - 19 centuries to treat indigestion, nausea, menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. One of the most active ingredients wild yam are phytoestrogens, which can be chemically converted into progesterone - a hormone that plays a key role in the onset of menstruation and pregnancy. But so far there is no conclusive evidence that wild yam has a stable effect of estrogen on the body.

Blessed thistle

According to the Institute of Health, blessed thistle has been used over the past centuries to stimulate production of breast milk. But modern research has been undertaken to assess any impact of this herb on hormone levels in the body. Although theoretically thistle can increase breast in non-breastfeeding women, simulating lactation.


This herb is a weak sedative commonly used as ingredients to make beer or ale. But hops can be used as a means of stimulating lactation. True, the research supporting its effectiveness, there is currently no.


Soy contains isoflavones - estrogen-like compounds that are structurally and functionally similar to estrogen. However, include soybeans to drugs that can increase breast folk remedies, it can be only in theory.


It is a popular herb used for centuries to stimulate additional production of milk for infant feeding. In theory, fenugreek can increase your bust size , mimicking the hormonal conditions associated with lactation. But it is also connected with it and a few serious side effects, such as body odor.


Many women have no need to try not to eat garlic, fearing that its pungent smell may alienate the child from the breast. A study published in the medical journal, has denied the common misconception. In addition, a diet rich in garlic can improve milk production by encouraging the child to more frequent feeding.


Natural licorice root can increase the size of your bust by increasing levels of estrogen and prolactin - the two hormones associated with lactation and breast augmentation.

Red clover

Commonly used to treat people's means of menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome. But red clover is also an excellent source of isoflavones. These estrogen-like compounds could theoretically increase breast size . However, there is not sufficient evidence to support its use.


Remember that uncontrolled taking of herbs, often causes a number of serious side effects, so it is important to visit a pre-qualified in the field of medicines.

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