Saturday, 3 November 2012

Juice for weight loss. What to choose?

Of course, the use of juice for weight loss, which are made from fresh fruits and vegetables using a juicer, is not any healthier solution than simple consumption of fruits and vegetables in the whole form.

However, supporters of juice claim it provides a number of health benefits - it supplies the body more nutrients, facilitates digestion, promotes bowel detoxification process and, of course, contributes to weight loss.

So, how effective juice for weight loss?

Juice and weight loss

Juice can be a healthy alternative to soft drinks that promote weight gain . Some juices, such as cranberry, citrus and watermelon also contain substances which increase the rate of weight loss. For example, cranberries and citrus fruits are rich in ascorbic acid, and amino acids in watermelon improve glucose metabolism and prevent the accumulation of fat. In addition, the juice increased fluid intake, which fills the stomach and helps to suppress appetite.

Juice and obesity

Shop juices, especially fruit, often additionally loaded with sugar, salt and other additives that can greatly increase your intake of calories. However, "losing weight" often ignore it or underestimate the amount of calories they get from these "juices for weight loss."

In a study published in 2004 found that on average, women increased their daily caloric intake by 400 units in the receiver store sweetened juices. People usually do not reduce your daily amount of food in order to somehow compensate for the consumption of purchased fruit juices.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Since the preparation of vegetable juice (to get 1 glass), you should use a few vegetables and fruits, the resulting content of carbohydrates is much higher than in the juice, which is made from a single ingredient. This can lead to a surge in blood sugar and insulin levels, which will prevent weight loss. And, in general, vegetables, especially non-starchy types contain less sugar than fruit, so are the best option for juicing for weight loss.

Juices rich in vitamin "C"

Although fruit juices have a higher sugar content, some of which can still be part of your healthy juice for weight loss. For example (as we wrote above), cranberry and lemon juice, rich in vitamin "C" (ascorbic acid). This vitamin improves the liver's ability to break down fat and increases the level of glutathione - a key antioxidant liver, which contributes to its detoxification through excretion via the bile, and the end products of metabolism, thus promoting weight loss.

Watermelon juice for weight loss

Watermelon juice contains a lot of amino acids L-Citrulline, which is an effective precursor to other amino acid L-arginine, helps reduce body fat and blood sugar levels. Because high levels of glucose in the blood increases the level of insulin - a hormone that promotes the accumulation of body fat, especially around the abdomen.

However, oral administration of high doses of L-arginine can cause symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. During the study, a team of experts from the U.S. has found that dietary supplementation with watermelon juice extract increased the level of arginine in rats, which helped prevent the accumulation of fat and reduce the level of glucose in the blood.

Side Effects

If you have diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, consult your physician before using the fasting days on juices for weight loss. In addition, their duration does not exceed three days. Otherwise, due to a lack of important nutrients entering your body with dairy, meat and flour products, there may be side effects such as fatigue and allergies.

For juicing for weight loss choose the most healthy and natural fruits and vegetables. When you do a fresh juice at home, she sings it right away, as the bacteria builds up in the fresh juice fast. Consult with your doctor or dietitian about the possibility to use the juice during pregnancy.

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